Pursuant to Paragraphs 13 and 14 of Article 11.c of the Railway Transport Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No 99/15 – official consolidated text, Nos 30/18, 82/21, 54/22 – ZUJPP and No 18/23 – ZDU-1O), the Standing Board was set up in December 2018 to coordinate capacity needs in rail.

The board coordinates:

  • capacity needs with respect to maintenance and enhancement of infrastructure capacity;
  • user-oriented performance targets of the Infrastructure Manager defined in the relevant public service obligation (PSO) contract to maintain, operate and renew public rail infrastructure, and incentives for the Infrastructure Manager to reduce the costs of making infrastructure available and decrease the level of access charges when it has made improvements to safety, maintenance, and the supply of infrastructure-related services.
  • what is contained in the network statement and how it is implemented;
  • matters relating to intermodality and interoperability;
  • other matters concerning access to infrastructure and the quality of services provided by the Infrastructure Manager.

The Standing Board is presided by SŽ-Infrastruktura, d.o.o. and includes representatives of the rail infrastructure investment body DRSI, freight terminal Luka Koper, d.d., rail passenger operator SŽ-Potniški promet d.o.o., and a number of freight carriers:

  • Adria transport, d.o.o.
  • InRail S.p.A
  • PKP Cargo International SI, d.o.o.
  • Rail Cargo Carrier, d.o.o.
  • SŽ-Tovorni promet, d.o o.
  • Metrans Adria, d.o.o.
  • Ten Rail, železniški tovorni promet, d.o.o.
  • Train Hungary Magánvasút Kft

The Agency for Communication Networks and Services of the Republic of Slovenia (AKOS), which is a regulatory and supervisory body for the communications market, sits as an observer to the board.


  • Members of the Standing Board comprise representatives of the Infrastructure Manager, Slovenian Infrastructure Agency and of transport operators, which have one representative each to sit on the board. A representative of the regulatory body is an observer to the board.
  • The board is headed by the Chair, who is appointed by the Infrastructure Manager.
  • The board holds a regular session once per year, but may also convene at the request of a board member (special session).
  • Both regular and special sessions are convened by the Chair through e-mail. Proposals for agenda items and requests for a special session must be submitted to the Chair by e-mail. Invitation to a session must include the relevant agenda and meeting papers planned for discussion. The regulatory body is to be advised when a session is taking place.
  • The agenda is agreed between the Infrastructure Manager and DRSI, taking into account any item proposals submitted by board members.
  • Decisions at board sittings are made by way of resolutions adopted through unanimous consent of all board members.
  • Resolutions are recorded in the session’s minutes, and are made available on the Infrastructure Manager’s website.
  • Information about the board’s activities is also regularly published on the website.
  • Topics which are typically discussed at every regular session include:
    • infrastructure enhancement projects underway or in the pipeline and the associated engineering-related disruption to train services;
    • proposed changes to the Network Statement, with emphasis on track access conditions, allocation of capacity, restrictions, and the level of access charges.

Resolutions adopted at the 5th Regular Session of 26 October 2023:

  1. Approval of the change to the board structure relating to HR changes and the adoption of the minutes of the 5th regular session.
  2. The board took note of infrastructure projects presented at the session.
  3. The board took note of the TTR project and the production of the 2027 Capacity Strategy.
  4. The board took note of the draft 2024 Business Plan of SŽ – Infrastruktura, d.o.o. with business projections for 2025 and 2026.
  5. The board took note of the presentation and information related to the changes to the 2024 network statement and the draft of 2025 network statement including changes to the billing of user fees.