The Safety Management System (SMS), put in place by the Infrastructure Manager (IM) pursuant to the Railway Transport Safety Act (ZVZelP-1), contains some of the requirements laid down in the Rules on the conditions and procedures for the launch, delivery, and completion of routine and major maintenance and of maintenance work on rail infrastructure of general public interest, which were superseded by ZVZelP-1.
The requirements to be satisfied by investors, contracting entities, designers, contractors and supervisors with respect to scheduled engineering work on public rail infrastructure are laid down in 925-P17 Varno načrtovanje javne železniške infrasturkture (925-P17 Safe Planning of Public Rail Infrastructure).
The Working manual for scheduling, approving, and carrying out of track closures, de-energisation of the overhead supply, and disconnection of the signalling and telecommunications lays down the procedures and principles for scheduling, submitting requests, approving, and delivering closures of main lines, line sections, tracks and station tracks, for de-energising the overhead supply equipment or disconnecting the signalling and telecommunications and sets forth the keeping of information about the beginning and completion of maintenance work on station and track-side installations. 925-DN42 Delovno navodilo za načrtovanje, odobritev in izvajanje zapore proge ali tira ter izključitev EE, SV in TK naprav (925-DN42 Working manual for scheduling, approval, and delivery of track closures, de-energising of the overhead supply, and disconnecting of signalling and telecommunications equipment).
Protected trackside zone is an area encompassed within a distance of 106m on both sides of a perpendicular from the centre line of a railway track in urban areas, or a distance of 108m on both sides of the same in non-urban areas. Development – such as constructing of facilities and buildings, cabling work, erecting of trackside equipment or planting of vegetation such as trees – in the protected trackside zone requires the consent of the Infrastructure Manager and must fulfil the relevant conditions and distance-related requirements between the structure and rail line as well as ensure that adequate safety measures are imposed for the duration of the development concerned. Development in trackside and protected trackside zone is detailed in 925-DN30 Navodilo za gradnjo in posege v progovni varovalni pas javne železniške infrastrukture (925-DN30 Handbook on development in the trackside and protected trackside zone on the public rail network), which has superseded the Rules on the conditions for the construction of structures or other facilities, planting of trees or erecting of installations in the protected trackside zone and in the protected zone of an industry line (“Pravilnik o pogojih za graditev gradbenih objektov ali drugih objektov, saditev drevja ter postavljanje naprav v varovalnem progovnem pasu in v varovalnem pasu ob industrijskem tiru; Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No 2/87 of 24 January 1987).
Application for the fulfilment of project conditions is submitted in line with the Construction Act.
Applications to be sent to [email protected].
T: +386 1 29 14 644, Jaka Veber
T: +386 1 29 14 212, Damjan Hudin
Persons wishing to carry out various works in the rail environment must obtain a written permit of the Infrastructure Manager. The application for the permit must be submitted by the persons’ employer. The process for issuing and revoking permits to conduct work in a rail environment is detailed in the company’s internal document 925 – DN12 Izdaja in odvzem pisnega dovoljenja upravljavca javne železniške infrastrukture za opravljanje določenih del na železniškem območju [925 – DN12 Issuing and revoking of a written permit issued by the Infrastructure Manager to deliver works in a rail environment].
When carrying out work and tasks in the dangerous area of the railway track, the provisions of 925 DN11 Navodilo za varovanje skupin delavcev, proge in objektov, which determine the method of protecting work groups for work in the dangerous area of the railway track and apply to all work performed on the railway network in the Republic of Slovenia on structural subsystems Infrastucture, Energy and Management- management, telecommunications and trackside signaling.